This tutorial talks about a new feature in Maya called Camera Sequencer or Ubercam. It used to view all camera moves in one camera.
1) This scene having Camera1, Camera2, Camera3, animated in the frame of 0 to 40, 40 to 70, 70 to 100.
2) Go to Window - Animation Editors - Camera Sequence, It will open a window.
3) In Camera Sequence Window go to create Shot Option box
1. Name it "Shot 1"
2. In Shot Camera tab choose the camera 1
3. Prefer Start time and end time
4. Choose New Short Placement to current ( That indicate you're current time line potion so keep it at Frame )
5. If Necessary can keep a Story Bord as a BG. Click on the Image and choose it.
6. Opacity is the opacity of the image plane.
7. Finlay click apply to finish.
3) Then go to windows animation editor, Camera Sequencer window, find a clip of camera 1, named as a Shot 1.
4) Again, In Camera Sequence Window go to create Shot Option box
1. Name it "Shot 2"
2. In Shot Camera tab choose the camera 2
3. Prefer Start time and end time ( 40 to 70 )
4. Choose New Short Placement to After Current Shot ( That indicate you're current time line potion so keep it at Frame 0, So the clip will go to the After Current clip. )
5. If Necessary can keep a Story Bord as a BG. Click on the Image and choose it.
6. Opacity is the opacity of the image plane.
7. Finlay click apply to finish.
5) Then go to windows animation editor, Camera Sequencer window, now we find a clip of camera 1 and camera 2, named as a Shot 1 Shot 2.
6) Camera Sequence Window, go to create Shot Option box
1. Name it "Shot 3"
2. In Shot Camera tab choose the camera 3
3. Prefer Start time and end time ( 70 to 100 )
4. Choose New Short Placement to End of the sequence ( That indicate where the clip should go.
So the clip will position as a end clip )
5. If Necessary can keep a Story Bord as a BG. Click on the Image and choose it.
6. Opacity is the opacity of the image plane.
7. Finlay click apply to finish.
5) Then go to windows animation editor, Camera Sequencer window, now we find a clip of camera 1, camera 2 and camera 3, named as a Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3.
6) In Camera Sequencer window
1) Slecte all three clips
2) Then go to Create Ubercam.
7) That's it, A Ubercam will created, this came will have a all move of the other selected camera if necessary adjust the tangents to get the same interpolation . In out liner you can see the camera, now this will work as a normal camera, in render window we can select a Ubercam. camera for render.
8) Ubercam wont work If we Scale the clip are scale the camera attribute.
Thank you